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Print Release Solution

Typically, when you opt to print a document from your computer, you select the printer on the office network and take a walk to collect your output. While this is absolutely fine, sometimes you arrive to find there are already a couple of your colleagues in the queue. You have two choices: wait in line, or head back to your PC, cancel the print job and select another printer on the network.

Instead, a better option would be to use Sharp’s pull-printing (print release) system. Documents you send from your PC are stored on the main MFP you can print from or, if that’s busy, you can authenticate and release the job at the most convenient device without needing to head back to your desk*.

Print release is a standard feature for the new A3 colour MX series and provides a completely free pull-printing solution without the need to invest in a print server to store your documents.

*Up to 5 connected devices​

Watch for other Sharp MFP features.

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