Does your office take DATA SECURITY seriously?

See how your office stacks up against the rest:
59% of employees said colleagues leave printed pages in the paper tray.
41% of office employees use their own devices at work because they are easier to use.
31% take information out of the office to complete work at home.
24% of workers store information in the public cloud even though they are not permitted to do so.
23% said they used public file sharing sites without business approval.
8% of organizations had employees access confidential information that they should not have had access to.
Stop wasting valuable time and resources! Learn more about Sharp security.
or contact us at or call 423-855-5222.
Research was conducted with 6,045 office workers in nine EU countries (France, Germany, UK, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Netherlands, Czech Republic and Hungary), including 1,006 office workers in the UK.