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Avoid pain points by outsourcing your IT

As organizations become increasingly more reliant on technology for their day-to-day business operations, IT is a critical area for businesses both large and small. Managing your IT infrastructure is a complex, demanding, and fluid endeavor. It is a task that most companies simply aren’t capable of adequately tackling themselves due to lack of time and resources. Today's IT-driven work environment presents your team with a number of pain points that will inevitably arise.

By outsourcing IT services to a Managed Services vendor, you can alleviate a number of pain points associated with an in-house approach to IT including:

Expectations to do more with less – As technology advances exponentially and IT responsibilities grow, team size and company resources remain stagnant. As IT expectations increase and pressure builds, it is nearly impossible to keep up with demand in-house. However, an outsourced IT vendor can stay ahead of your IT needs at a standardized rate.

No room for amateurs – An IT environment is an extremely complicated arena, one that requires skilled, knowledgeable, and well-trained professionals. You need more than someone who knows how to set up their own computer to keep your network and systems up and running. An outsourced partner invests in the continued education of their team of pros so you don't have to.

Remote workers make security more challenging – As technology makes it possible for employees to work and collaborate smoothly from anywhere, people working outside of the office is now the norm. These remote workstations, along with more mobile devices accessing your files, make your IT infrastructure vulnerable to attacks. An outsourced IT vendor secures your environment, allowing for this new flexible style of work while protecting your data.

Turnover and new users are a huge headache –Employee turnover seems to be at an all time high, as the era of ‘employment for life’ is behind us. This influx of new users puts an increased burden on IT staff to quickly and accurately set up new accounts, while ensuring former employees can no longer access company files. An outsourced IT vendor makes your office's transitions easy and secure. Working with a Managed IT Services provider will help you avoid the pain points that pop up in today's IT environments. Contact Chattanooga Business Machines to learn more about how our IT services can help your business today. or 423-855-5224.


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